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Privacy Policy

FSBO Home Listing is highly committed to protect the privacy of its users. We strictly emphasize on keeping the personal information secure, which we collect from ours users at the time registration and while posting the ad. We do not provide private data of our customers to any third party or make this data public without the consent of customer. This is very normal question which rises in user mind that Why we need your personal information?so. In order to provide better service we need to store your information in our database therefore we ask for different kind of information from users. For example at the time of registration, we require mobile number and valid email id to keep unqualified and Spam users away and while posting, we require proper contact information to stop fake posting. But we make sure our users that we are serious about their privacy and will not miss use of the data.

Here you will know that what information do we require and what we with that information.Below mentioned description will clearly explain you our privacy policy.

Data which we collect from you.

We keep each and every information which you provide us via registration form , login form, ad posting page, contact us form and any source which you use to connect with us. Some times we also ask you to fill feedback forms and survey forms in order to research purpose and improvement in services and when you fill your information in the form, the data are automatically stored in our record.

We also store information about your computer, Internet service, IP address, type of operating system and browser you use to visit us. These kind of information does not identify the user but explains the action taken by users and this data help us to understand and analyze the users.

Cookies are also saved in user’s system to make the website more efficient and speedy, cookies are small files which are placed automatically in user’s system once you visit any website. You can edit setting of your browser if you do not cookies to be set by us or any other website.

    1. Disclosure of Information

We do not disclose your information to any third party until you agree. Only the necessary information is disclosed to the third party. We also indicate you that what data you want to share with all and what data do you want to keep private. But we may disclose your information in the following conditions

If you are seller and have listed your property to sell, if the buyer is interested in your property then we may disclose information with him.

We share the information of a prospective buyer to the seller if the buyer has shown his interest in the property.

    1. Data Retention

We retain some necessary data to stop the happening of any disputes in order to keep ourself and users safe. For example to trace the source of communication we retain the data of user’s ID, IP address and telephone number.

    1. User’s right

We can not share your date without your consent , It is your decision that you want us to use your info or not. You have the power to say us not to use your personal date for marketing. And if we want to use your date then we ask for it. But even after, in any case you find something wrong or you think that we are not taking care of you and not serious about privacy policy. You can contact us, we believe you to solve the problem as soon as possible.

    1. Change in policy

In order to improve our service and security of data of users, we update our policies time to time and do little changes. We advice you to be updated with our policies. You should re-visit our policy page time to time.

    1. Contact US

Feel free to contact us, If you have any other query regarding our policy or you find something required to be changed. We appreciate to read us. Thanks to visit policy page.